"And a great multitude stood before the throne, praising God."
In every liturgy the Church gazes into heaven and seeing the Glory of God, sees also Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father, and she sings, "You alone are Lord. You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father." She sings what, with the eyes of faith, she beholds.
Through the sacred liturgy the Spirit unites us with the prayer of Christ to the Father, emptying us of all that is narrow, subjective, constrained, to fill us with the utter fullness of the prayer of Christ. His prayer which is immense, universal, all encompassing, all-powerful and always and everywhere pleasing to the Father.
Poised between hearing the Word of God and going to the altar for the sacrifice, we are surrounded by the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem, the Virgin Mother Mary and the martyrs. By our communion in the sacrifice of Christ's body and Blood, we, like them, are filled with the Holy Spirit. Herein is the transforming effect of the sacred liturgy. We are no longer many individuals speaking many words and praying many prayers. We are, by the action of the Holy Spirit, a single Body with a single voice and single prayer: the Body of Christ, the voice of Christ, the prayer of Christ.
©adapted from a homily of Dom Marc-Daniel Kirby, O.Cist.